Clausura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs サン・ロレンソのチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
SEP 13 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €210からセール価格 €210から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs バラカス セントラル チケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
JUL 12 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Apertura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs バンフィールドチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
APR 05 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Apertura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs ウラカンのチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
MAR 08 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Apertura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs コルドバ中心部のチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
APR 19 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs スチューデント ラ プラタのチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
JUL 26 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Apertura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs ニューウェルズ オールドボーイズ チケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
MAY 03 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
Racing Club vs Independienteチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
SEP 27 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €270からセール価格 €270から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs ユニオン サンタフェのチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
AUG 30 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
Racing Club van Tigreチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
AUG 16 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs 防衛と正義のチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
NOV 08 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
Racing Club vs Aldosiviチケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
OCT 18 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Clausura Argentina
レーシングクラブ vs インディペンデント リバダビア チケット
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
OCT 04 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €115からセール価格 €115から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section. -
Recopa Sudamericana
レーシングクラブ vs ボタフォゴ チケット (レコパ・スダメリカーナ)
-Estadio Presidente Perón, Sin Definir
FEB 20 2025チケットを買う -通常価格 €195からセール価格 €195から 通常価格単価 / あたりThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.Info about the experienceThis is an experience. Apart from including the ticket, you can also enjoy the pre-match or post-match with the host of your choice, who will also be with you during the match. If you just want the ticket, go to the tickets section.

Copa Libertadoresチケット
レーシング クラブに関する情報:
レーシングクラブデアベラネダ レーシングクラブまたは単にレーシングとも呼ばれる、1903年3月25日に設立されたアルゼンチンのスポーツ機関で、ブエノスアイレスのアベラネダ市にあります。 それを識別する色は、アルゼンチン共和国の愛国的な色に敬意を表して天体と白です。 1931年に始まったプロの時代に、彼は他の多くのアルゼンチン選手権で優勝しました。
この体験は、アベラネーダならではのものです。 あなたの購入 Racing Clubチケット と Football Host .
プレジデンテ ペロン スタジアムに関する情報:
プレジデンテペロンスタジアム は国内で2番目に容量が多く、グランブエノスアイレスの南にあるアベラネーダ市のオマールオレステコルバッタ通りとモーツァルト通りにあります。 それは60.000人の容量を持っています。
完了を楽しむ サッカー体験。 あなたのマッチを選択し、あなたのホストを選択し、あなたの レースチケット そして、試合前、試合後、地元のファンと一緒に暮らしましょう!
リーグ、 Football Host あなたの最もよい選択はあります。 での経験の10年
ブエノスアイレスの有名なスタジアムでの比類のない経験。 浸る
なぜ Football Host 最も人気のあるサッカーのチケットを入手するためにアルゼンチンで最もエキサイティングな試合をしていますか?
リバープレート、ボカジュニアーズ、サンロレンツォ、レーシングなどの人気チーム... サッカー
ホストはあなたの最良の選択肢です。 私達は10年間アルゼンチンで活動しています、
ブエノスアイレスで最高のスタジアム。 私たちはファンの経験と信頼を持っています
アルゼンチンから TOP クラブ。"
「チケットを購入するときは、チケットの90% が物理的であると考えてください。
あなたの目的地で配信。 チームによっては、これらは使い捨てにすることができます
チケットは通常、試合の48時間前に利用できますが、それ以前ではありません。 もし、あんたが
代替の配送先住所を指定しない限り。 これは利便性を保証します
配送と使用の利便性が向上します。 さらに、物理的なチケットは役立つことができます
地元のホストと一緒にfootballexperienceを予約することで、本物のアルゼンチンの情熱を体験できますか Football Host ?
「絶対に! からのホストとサッカー体験を予約することによって Football Host ,
サッカー文化。 私たちの地元のホストは、コミュニティの一部としてあなたを歓迎します。
地元のようなアルゼンチンサッカーの情熱。 すべてのチケットを提供することに加えて
一致、 Football Host と接続するユニークな機会を提供します
地元のファンの信憑性と熱意。 忘れられない準備をしなさい