Avec le classic Racing vs Independiente more than recent, we have thought it appropriate to dedicate this post to one of the oldest teams in the Superliga Argentina that was also the first Argentine club to proclaim world champion. We talked about the Racing Club of Avellaneda, considered one of the 5 greats of Argentine football.

Alexandre Gomez is our top host for all Racing matches in El Cilindro. La Academia that wears the colors of his team every day of the year and a has tattoo on his heart. But what is most surprising about our host is not his fanaticism taken to the extreme, but his family, composed of 3 brothers where each of them is from a different team. le younger brother is a faithful fan of Boca Juniors and the middle one sympathizes with the River Plate. During a superclassic family pillars tremble on their own.
Racing Experience
Our Racing host attends all matches at the Presidente Perón Stadium and always he can he tries to cheer on his team in away matches. Such is the case, that it has traveled on more than half of the countries of South America.

The Racing Club experience with Alejandro starts at the Avellaneda train station, where you will meet our host and his group of friends, all of them from Racing. Once there you will be walking all together towards the stadium, but not before stopping somewhere to eat something, either a hamburger or a choripán accompanied by a good beer.
Once the pre-match is finished, you will enter the stadium with your host, who will provide you the Club de course billets located on the second level of the stadium, behind one of the goals. One of the best areas to feel one more of the local fans and where the fans will not stop cheering and singing.
At the end of the match, our host will take you to eat at the restaurant "La Parrilla del Tano", famous for the delicious meat it offers and for its heavy dishes. As our host says, "there is no person who does not leave the restaurant exploited of eat meat and drink." Already with a full belly, the same restaurant at night is transformed into a disco with a live DJ, so the post-match can last until the early hours of the morning if one wishes.

Finally, our host will accompany you again at the meeting point, at the Avellaneda train station where the experience will end.
Buy your Racing Club of Avellaneda billetssur Football Host and enjoy the pre-match, the match and the post-match with our host Alejandro and the local fans!