The Derby of the Year

The Derby of the Year

Football lovers in Barcelona have a date highlighted in red on the calendar: "El Derbi del Pla," or as we like to call it, "La Vila contra el Poble". This means Europe against Sant Andreu, a historic and territorial derby, a clash between neighboring clubs that used to be sister towns. And in 2023, in addition, they will play the derby in the Second RFEF after both are promoted. An exceptional derby for the people of Barcelona, ​​as this 23/24 season will be the only derby to be played in the city.

The hidden Barcelona keeps this secret party of neighborhood football, which is gaining more and more followers. With the summer sun still shining and a beer in hand, fans of both teams will add color both before and after to the seats of the Nou Sardenya stadium, which recalls the beautiful images of football of yesteryear. Fans, smoke, flashes, drums, chants... the best atmosphere in a derby that is a hymn to humble football.

The Nou Sardenya stadium, the home of Europe, will dress up next Sunday and hang the sign "No tickets" despite having a capacity of 6,000 spectators. The party in the surrounding streets and in the stands is guaranteed. 


Two historic clubs:

In 1900, football arrived in the Sant Andreu neighborhood of Barcelona at the hands of a colony of Scottish workers who founded the "Scottish Football Club." When the team that gave kicks in the area disappeared, a group of young people from Andreu created Club Z, the root of C.F. Andreuenc, which over time became the current Unió Esportiva Sant Andreu. The story was underway.

Since its foundation in 1909, UE Sant Andreu has experienced several golden eras, playing in the Second Division and facing the best teams in Spain in the Copa del Rey. During the Franco regime, the coat of arms and the colors of his shirt (the ensign) were intervened by the regime, but with the arrival of democracy they were able to recover them.

Club Esportiu Europa was born in Vila de Gràcia on June 5, 1907, attracting attention for its name and its unmistakable blue and white shirt in the Vélez Sarsfield style. Everything indicates that they took inspiration from Birmingham City during a visit to Barcelona in the 20s. At that time, the club lived the golden age and was one of the founders of the League. In 1923 he was also runner-up in the Cup. In the 1990s, they achieved an important milestone by winning the Catalan Cup against Barça twice, and repeated this feat in 2015 against Girona. In addition, the club has a highly renowned women's football section.



The party of the year:

The great glories will return to the squares and stripes, but the road will be easier for the winner of the next derby. Thanks to Football Host, you can buy your ticket for this Catalan football classic, for a match with a unique atmosphere that never disappoints. On Sunday, September 17, at 6:00 p.m., don't hesitate to visit the Nou Sardenya stadium

Les grans glòries tornaran als quadrats i a les camisetes de ratlles, però el camí serà més fàcil per al guanyador del proper derbi. Gràcies a Football Host, pots comprar la teva entrada per a aquest clàssic del futbol català, per a un partit amb una atmosfera única que mai defrauda. El diumenge 17 de setembre, a les 18:00 hores, no dubtis a visitar l'estadi Nou Sardenya. You can buy your tickets on our website. The party awaits you!





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